Nosotros1 – INNETICA

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Fundada en 2009, INNETICA es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro cuya misión es promover la cooperación entre entidades de toda Europa para promover los valores europeos, de conformidad con el artículo 2 del Tratado de la Unión Europea. Para esto, nos centramos principalmente en tres campos:

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  • Educación y formación: INNETICA contribuirá a mejorar la calidad de la Educación y la Formación de las entidades asociadas a través del desarrollo de proyectos europeos que faciliten la innovación y el intercambio de buenas prácticas. También apoyará y organizará programas de capacitación, simposios y conferencias, cooperando y colaborando con organizaciones nacionales e internacionales.
  • Investigación, desarrollo e innovación social y cultural: todo esto a través de una visión innovadora de la actividad de las entidades educativas y centros de formación que deben integrar el respeto por los valores éticos. La investigación e innovación que desarrolla INNETICA tiene como foco y objetivo al ser humano en cualquiera de sus entornos sociales y culturales.
  • Las TIC aplicadas a la educación y la innovación social y cultural: además, INNETICA tiene como objetivo utilizar todo tipo de medios electrónicos que pueden tener diferentes propósitos: didáctico, sanitario, cultural, de bienestar …

Además de esto, queremos promover el desarrollo sostenible a través de diferentes iniciativas destinadas a proteger el Medio Ambiente.

Integramos una diversidad de socios europeos para promover proyectos de investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación social, además de desarrollar proyectos educativos y actividades de enseñanza.

Sobre la base de estos pilares, INNETICA proporcionará las infraestructuras necesarias para un centro de investigación e innovación social que reunirá a entidades universitarias, organismos públicos, empresas, centros de formación, así como a intelectuales, profesionales y voluntarios que aporten sus ideas y experiencias al cambio y mejora en las sociedades europeas.

Para cumplir con todos estos propósitos, desarrollamos diversas actividades, por ejemplo:

  • Realización de actividades de difusión de los resultados de los proyectos en los que participa INNETICA a través de diferentes medios como Redes Sociales, Medios de Comunicación, Seminarios y Workshops.
  • Publicaciones, creación y desarrollo de contenidos, aplicaciones y servicios digitales relacionados con las áreas mencionadas en diferentes idiomas.
  • Preparación de proyectos para financiación de los diferentes programas de la Unión Europea (Erasmus+, Horizonte 2020, etc.) y participación en los ofrecidos por los diferentes socios de las redes europeas en las que INNETICA participa.

Founded in 2009, INNETICA is a non-profit association whose mission is to promote cooperation between entities throughout Europe to promote European values, in accordance with article 2 of the Treaty on European Union. For this, we mainly focus on three fields:

  • Education and training: INNETICA will contribute to improving the quality of Education and Training of the associated entities through the development of European projects that facilitate innovation and the exchange of good practices. It will also support and organize training programs, symposia and conferences, cooperating and collaborating with national and international organizations.
  • Research, development and social and cultural innovation: all this through an innovative vision of the activity of educational entities and training centres that must integrate respect for ethical values. The research and innovation carried out by INNETICA have as its focus and objective the human being in any of its social and cultural environments.
  • ICT applied to education and social and cultural innovation: in addition, INNETICA aims to use all kinds of electronic media that can have different purposes: didactic, health, cultural, well-being …

In addition to this, we want to promote sustainable development through different initiatives aimed at protecting the environment.

We integrate a diversity of European partners to promote research projects, technological development and social innovation, in addition to developing educational projects and teaching activities.

Based on these pillars, INNETICA will provide the necessary infrastructures for a research and social innovation centre that will bring together university entities, public bodies, companies, training centres, as well as intellectuals, professionals and volunteers who contribute their ideas and experiences to the change and improvement in European societies.

To fulfil all these purposes, we develop various activities, for example:

  • Carrying out activities to disseminate the results of the projects in which INNETICA participates through different media such as Social Networks, Media, Seminars and Workshops.
  • Publications, creation and development of content, applications and digital services related to the aforementioned areas in different languages.
  • Preparation of projects for the financing of the different programs of the European Union (Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, etc.) and participation in those offered by the different partners of the European networks in which INNETICA participates.

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There are a variety of ways to consume CBD oil on the cbd websites and the best method for you will likely depend on your personal preferences. You can take it orally by placing drops under your tongue or adding it to food or drinks. You can also apply it topically to your skin or inhale it using a vape pen. If you’re new to CBD oil, start with a low dose and increase gradually until you find the right amount for you. Some people find that they benefit from taking CBD oil daily, while others only use it occasionally as needed. Be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

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Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a non-psychoactive chemical compound found in cannabis plants. CBD gummy bears are gummy candies that contain this compound. Cannabidiol is thought to have medical benefits, including relieving anxiety, reducing seizures, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, more research is needed in order to confirm these claims. CBD gummies are a popular way to consume CBD oil, as they offer all of the benefits of CBD without the unpleasant taste. They are also discrete and easy to take with you on the go. You can purchase and buy cbd gummies from many online retailers, or you can make your own at home using CBD oil and gummy bear molds.

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